Why it matters: How much of China’s scrapping of the zero covid policy has benefitted Singapore’s economy
Added Mar 12, 2023
9 min

Professor Sumit Agarwal discusses the economic benefits Singapore has seen following China’s decision to end its zero-COVID policy. He explains how trade, tourism, and various sectors have been positively impacted and what this means for Singapore’s future growth.
With China scrapping its zero-COVID policy on January 8th, many anticipated a rapid economic recovery for the region. The easing of restrictions has already begun to benefit Singapore’s economy. In this episode, we speak with Dr. Sumit Agarwal, Professor of Finance, Real Estate, and Economics at NUS Business School, to assess the positive impacts of China’s reopening on Singapore’s businesses and economic sectors.
Economic Gains from China's Reopening
Professor Agarwal explores the key ways in which Singapore's economy has been positively impacted by China's decision to end its strict COVID-19 measures. He delves into the resurgence of trade, the rebound in tourism, and how local businesses are benefiting from renewed economic activity between the two nations.
Singapore’s Position in a Post-Zero-COVID China
The conversation also highlights how Singapore can capitalize on the momentum from China's reopening. From supply chain improvements to increased consumer demand, Professor Agarwal discusses the sectors that stand to gain the most and the long-term effects on Singapore's economy.
This episode offers a comprehensive look at how China’s move away from its zero-COVID strategy has contributed to Singapore’s economic growth and what the future holds for bilateral relations.
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