Added Oct 1, 2021
3 min
CSR and climate change: Awareness, responsibility, and active consumers and investors
More frequent extreme weather events linked to global warming, such as colossal forest fires, massive tropical storms, and devastating floods, have led to substantial human and economic losses. These episodes have been the subject of growing concern, contributing to a broad global consensus on the need to combat climate change. For example, the landmark Paris Agreement aims to achieve a climate-neutral level of greenhouse gas emissions by the middle of this century. Climate change was also one of the key themes of the G-7 summit in June this year, where the participating countries committed to limiting the rise of projected global temperatures to 1.5 C. In its final public statement, the summit reaffirmed the collective goal of G-7 economies to jointly mobilise US$100 billion a year from public and private sources through 2025 to combat climate change
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Yeung, B
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